Hello. I’m Ietore(@ietore.jp).I’m a father of three (40s).
When you’re thinking about building a home gym, the top three things you’re concerned about are the size of the room, the floor load capacity and matting, and the ceiling height of the room.
Ninety percent of the people who are worried about ceiling height are those who are considering “installing a power rack”.
What’s the other 10%? Well, okay… (laughs)
Let’s start by explaining the relationship between “ceiling height” and “power rack height” in the case of our Irotech Muscular Set R140 (top height 219 cm).
1.Home Gym. The difference in height between the ceiling and the power rack is 15cm

Many apartments these days have extravagantly high ceiling heights of 250cm or 255cm for the bedroom and living room, but the standard ceiling height for a typical rental or detached house is 235cm to 245cm.
The basement where our home gym is located is “exactly 235cm from floor to ceiling”.
In that 235cm high space, we have a joint mat (1.2cm thick) on top of the floor and a power rack (maximum height of 219cm) on top of it.
The difference between the ceiling (238.8 cm after taking into account the joint mat thickness of 1.2 cm) and the top of the power rack (height 219 cm) is about 15 cm.
What a 15cm gap!
That’s the conclusion. (We already have it in place, so it’s not surprising.)
In addition to Irotech’s non-Muscular Set R140 products (e.g., HPM, V-Max, 455, etc.), I have looked at the heights of power racks from other manufacturers (e.g., Fighting Road, Wildfit, etc.) and found that the power racks are about 200 cm, 210 cm, 219 cm, and 223 cm tall.
So the Muscular Set R140’s power rack height of 219cm seems to be on the taller side.
Once again, we conclude that if the ceiling height is 235cm, at least the Irotech Muscular Set R140 is safe to install.
Other power racks can be installed in most houses.
We will explain some special factors regarding the height of the power racks.
My wife’s parents’ bedroom had a ceiling height of 230 cm.
230cm and 235cm. The difference is only 5 cm, but in a home/apartment with a ceiling height of 230 cm, the installation of a power rack should be carefully considered.
2.Home Gym. Items to Consider When Installing a Power Rack
1)Power racks should be noted for the presence of beams.

After checking the ceiling height, the first thing to check is the presence of beams.
Our ceiling also had a beam in our house, so we decided that the power rack could not be installed under the beam and selected the current location.
2)Power racks are careful about lighting.

One of the items to consider when installing a power rack for a home gym installation is the position and height of the lighting.
At our house, we installed a LED spotlight light that we thought was stylish and was just barely avoiding interference with the power rack.
It would have been nice if the power rack could have been moved 10cm to either side, but that would have been inconvenient for the barbell plates, so we put it just in front of the power rack to avoid interference.
Once again, logically, lighting is usually mounted in the center of the room.
Therefore, if you try to install the power rack in the center of the room, there is a good chance it will interfere with the lighting.

3)Power Rack. Is there enough room for chinning (pull-ups)?

The third thing to keep in mind when installing a power rack in your home gym.
It’s a surprising blind spot, but it’s essential to check in advance if there is space for chinning.
There is a chance that you won’t be able to chin because of lighting and head interference, rather than ceiling height, so make sure the ceiling is directly above where the power rack will be installed.
There’s a saying that “Strength training begins and ends with chinning” (Really?).
Even though you’ve installed a power rack with a tall chinning bar, you’ll be disappointed if you can’t do the chinning.
The height at which you pull your body up depends on your power, so it’s a good idea to experiment beforehand with an iron bar.
It’s a shame to give up on the power rack just because you can’t do chinning.
If you are worried about it, there is an alternative plan to buy a suspension wheel for chinning. (I think a suspension wheel is the ultimate piece of equipment that a weight trainer will end up with. I know it sounds contradictory, but you may not need a power rack with it.)

- In the morning, bench press to tell your pectoral muscles “good morning”
- Watch the morning news while riding a spin bike
- My Rule Before Going to the Bathroom: “10 Leg Extensions”
- When you get home, bench press to tell your pectoral muscles that you’re home.
- Watching NHK News Watch 9 while pedaling a spin bike
- Always “15 minutes of strength training” before taking a bath.
- Before going to bed, I do “10 chins” and tell my spine, “I’m sorry I’m always before bed. I’ll tell you goodnight.
The advantage of having a very popular power rack at the gym in your home is that there’s zero travel time and zero waiting time.
It’s your own personal use, so you can thoroughly push yourself for an hour or two if you’re motivated.
The bench press is also a great way to train your muscles because you can do intervals in the ideal 5 to 10 minutes without worrying about other people’s eyes!
I have a week of intervals.
Related Post Irotech Muscular Set R140 (Power Rack) is a great choice for your home gym!
3.Come join me at your home gym with a power rack for a home workout!

Today I wrote an article called ‘Ceiling Height Needed for Home Gym with Power Rack’.
I hope you’ll find it helpful as I’ve written separate articles on “Irotech Power Racks”, “Home Gym Floors (Joint Mats)” and “Home Gym Installation in Rental Apartments” for those who are considering installing a home gym with a power rack.
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I tweet on Twitter (@ietore.jp) when I train.
Why don’t we train together while “liking” each other?
体重▲1.7㎏、体脂肪率▲0.9%5月も頑張ります! pic.twitter.com/9ktAjoM3Zd
— ホームジムで家トレ! (@ietore_jp) May 2, 2020